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Nylon - PA6 CNC Machining

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Nylon - PA6 CNC Machining

Nylon 6, also known as PA6, polyamide 6, and nylon 6, is a polymer compound.On October 27, 2017, the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer published a preliminary list of carcinogens for reference, nylon 6 is in the list of 3 types of carcinogens.

Mechanical properties

The chemical and physical properties of Nylon 6 are very similar to those of Nylon 66.

However, it has a lower melting point and a wide range of process temperatures. It has better impact and dissolution resistance than nylon 66 plastic but is also more hygroscopic. Because many of the quality characteristics of plastic parts are affected by moisture absorption, it is important to take this into account when designing products with Nylon 6.

To improve the mechanical properties of nylon 6, a variety of modifiers are often added. Glass fiber is the most common additive, and sometimes synthetic rubber, such as EPDM and SBR, is added to improve impact resistance. For products without additives, the shrinkage of nylon 6 plastic material is between 1% and 1.5%. The addition of glass fiber additives can reduce the shrinkage to 0.3% (but slightly higher in the direction perpendicular to the process). The shrinkage of the molded assembly is mainly influenced by the crystallinity and moisture absorption of the material. The actual shrinkage is also a function of part design, wall thickness, and other process parameters. Nylon 6 injection molding drying treatment Since nylon 6 can easily absorb moisture, special attention should be paid to drying before processing. If the material is supplied in a waterproof material package, the container should be kept airtight. If the humidity is greater than 0.2%, drying in hot air above 80°C for 16 hours is recommended. If the material has been exposed to air for more than 8 hours, vacuum drying at 105°C for more than 8 hours is recommended.


Last updated on Aug 19,2024